Media & Reviews

Print Reviews

Mèdecin de guerre de l'Afghanistan à Paris has been reviewed in Le Figaro, L'Express, France-Dimanche, Le Handicap, and in several military magazines.

C'est prenant, énorme, sidérant, comique et tragique … Courrez vite l'acheter, vous ne le regretterez pas.

--Chronique santé intégrative

It's absorbing, staggering, comic and tragic ... Run fast and buy it, you won't regret it.

Élie's astonishing destiny, vividly and poignantly narrated, offers a vertiginous dive into the heart of this new contemporary situation that has disrupted our lives, wars without front lines and terrorism. A journey that is out of the ordinary, thrilling and marked by a great humanity.

L'étonnant destin d'Élie, raconté de manière enlevée et poignante, offre une plongée vertigineuse au coeur de cette nouvelle donne contemporaine qui bouleverse nos vies, les guerres sans front et le terrorisme. Un parcours hors du commun, palpitant et d'une grande humanité.

TV Interviews

France 2 Télématin, May 14, 2016, 8:00 am

France 5, June 13, 2016, 1:50 pm

Radio Interviews

Radio Notre Dame: Elie gives an eloquent summary of his experience and book in the interview on Radio Notre Dame on May 24, 2016. 10:15am Listen here.

Radio protestante: September 5, 2016, noon

Radio belge RTBF: July 2016

Radio Shalom

Radio J